Monday, September 19, 2011

Personal Quote

The emphasis on the two words is very important to the quote. There is a very large difference between wanting and having something such as passion or a possession and that shows in this quote. If you want or want to do something that means you choose to do that certain thing which in the quotation is dancing. If you have or have to do something that means that there is no other choice other than dancing.


  1. I like the quote and the colors! Maybe use a different font for "want" and "have" and make them stand out more. But other than that its good.

  2. An inpiring quote. Good use of colors for regular text and black as emphasis.

  3. I like the use of color used in the quote, but "want" and "have" seem to stand out more than the whole quote its self.

  4. i like this quote because it shows command and authority.

  5. Nice emphasis on the words 'want' and 'have', it shows what the author is really trying to say. Good color choice as well, it shows the girly side. I think the quote could have been more spaced together to make it cuter.

  6. i like the way you changed the font on some of the words to put emphasis on the words that you wanted to pop out

  7. very nice quote, it has a very girly feel and it makes me think of dancers (especially hip hop and jazz. good font, i would have added a bit more to balance out the overall feel. definitely make the authors name smaller.great color selection, its very calm yet when the black strikes on the words want and have it adds good emphasis.

  8. I really like the quote and color change you created. I feel like the effects on the background/basic words and the words that need emphasis are backwards. I think "want" and "have" should have been in the block, color letters and the rest in black. Overall, I think you did a really great job!

  9. I like the quote and i love the colors! I think that maybe the "want" and "have" stand out too much or just use a different font. I like how you used black for emphasis

  10. haha! oh wow brittany this is very colorful, but aye i like it.

  11. nice font and colors but maybe use a different font on the ones your trying to emphasize

  12. i like how you made the colors blend to each other and how you made "want" and "have" stick out giving the quote more meaning

    one thing to fix your quote would be to change the font to a more appropriate font for the quote that is given

  13. I like the color change and the emphasis on "Want" and "Have".

  14. I like the quote but maybe try putting more emphasis on the "want" and "have"

  15. I like this one because your right, wanting something and having something is a big difference. And the colors go good together! I like how the color has unity and goes in a “sunset” type fashion!
