Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Personal Logo

Here I have created my personal logo for my graphic design business. For detail I used the selection arrow from illustrator as an extension to the X and the pen tool as the L.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Personal Expressions

Here I have created a collage of words that describe me and used the skills I have learned in the past tutorials. :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Type of a Path

Here after using many tutorials I learned to use many different font techniques.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Personal Trace

My Version of the Sonic Sign

Original Sonic Sign

 There at the top I have my version of the Sonic Sign. For this certain shape I had to use the pen tool because of course there is no shape that would match it. Also for a couple of the letters since the font wouldn't let make it italic I had to draw them with the pen tool as well. The hardest part of the project was trying to find a font that would match and lining everything up correctly.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Las Vegas Sign

Here I have my remake of the Las Vegas sign. While making it I used shapes, the text tool, and manipulation skills. The hardest part during this project was making the shapes line up with the original.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Life Quote

Personal Quote

The emphasis on the two words is very important to the quote. There is a very large difference between wanting and having something such as passion or a possession and that shows in this quote. If you want or want to do something that means you choose to do that certain thing which in the quotation is dancing. If you have or have to do something that means that there is no other choice other than dancing.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I like this picture because of the black and white color. This coloring also makes the image more dramatic and intense.
  • Rhythm: Repetition- the trees
  • Shapes: Organic- the trees and fence
  • Color: Saturated- showing darkness and despare
  • Pattern: in the trees
  • Emphasis: the trees

I love this picture because the colors are interesting and the circles mess with your mind making it appear as though they were spinning.
  • Movement: Literal- Circles appear to move
  • Point: the points join together to make a circle
  • Shape: geometric
  • Color: hue- shows elegance and life
  • Pattern: the circles continue until the reach they center
I like this picture because the colors are so fun and the angle really highlights the main part of the picture.\
  • Shape: the pencil tips form a circle- geometric
  • Movement: Compositional
  • Color: Rainbow- shows life and happiness
  • Pattern: Repetition- pencils continue
  • Texture: Actual
  • Rhythm: Repetition
  • Emphasis: on the middle points of the pencils

I like this picture because the feathers are so bright compared to the dark background making it pop out so much and also the blurred edges really draw your eye to a specific part of the picture.
  • Color: Blue to Red- shows passion and life
  • Rhythm: Gradation
  • Texture: Actual
  • Emphasis: on the feathers of most likely the wing

I love this picture because it's so dramatic, the dark back ground really highlights the edges of the leaf and you can really see the intricate detail of the leafs veins.
  • Shape: Free Form
  • Lines: Horizontal, Angled
  • Color: Green- showing life and nature
  • Texture: Actual
  • Pattern: in the veins
  • Emphasis: on the veins and stem of the leaf

I like this picture because the colors in the sky are so soothing, also its weird that the water is so settled, and also that the rocks just appear to be floating.
  • Rhythm: Gradation- the colors in the sky
  • Emphasis: The horizon
  • LIne: Horizontal: the horizon shows calmess and restfullness
  • Shape: Rocks- Free form
  • Color: Mostly blue with splashes of yellow and orange-red- shows coolness,calmness, and passion

I love this picture because the the setting is so rural and then there's this one tiny little church in the middle of nowhere,  and also because the sky drives all your attention to the background setting.
  • Emphasis: The little church with the large oak tree on the hill
  • Movement: Compositional
  • Colors: Blue and Green- showing elegance and nature
  • Rhythm: Alternation- from the sky to the large tree and tiny church

 I like this picture because of the colors blue, green, and purple are my 3 favorite colors. Also the blurred edges draw your eye towards the kiwis and the flower. And the design in the kiwi really stands out.
  • Emphasis: The kiwi and the small flowers
  • Shapes: Geometric- the kiwis are circles
  • Colors: Green , Blue, and Purple-shows elegance, nature, and playfullness
  • Texture- Actual
  • Rhythm: Alternation-between kiwi and flowers

I really like this picture because the dark background really makes the flowers color really stand out. The water drops add detail to the flower's surface. Also the shadowing adds extra detail to it too.
  • Emphasis: The flowers surface
  • Color: Red-Orange- shows passion and vibrancy
  • Texture: Actual
  • Rhythm: Gradation- colors in the flower

I like this picture because its so abstract and colorful. The shapes and letters inside the figures add extra to the images design. And also the shadowing makes it pop.
  • Shapes: Mostly Geometric- the square, rectangles, and circles
  • Movement: Compositional
  • Color: Rainbow: shows passion, playfullness and moderness
  • Emphasis: the intersection of the shapes on the left
  • Rhythm: Linear- the shapes make a sort of X

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

All About Me!

My name is Brittany and I was born in Conroe, Texas. My parents divorced when I was 3 so I moved here with my mom.  A few of my past times are dancing, playing volleyball, drawing, and hanging out with my friends. After I graduate high school I would like to move on to college to be an Interior Designer/Architect. A few interesting facts about me are I'm afraid of popping balloons, I am the Fireman Explorer, and I have been to 5 different states plus the Bahamas and Playa Del Carma.